Uswitch Energy Review

Many people nowadays are looking to switch their energy company. With a ton of smaller companies increasing in popularity and the big six being less popular than ever before, there’s a lot of new deals out there to consider.

But how exactly can you find these deals, with more than 170 energy companies in the UK to choose from? Well, you can consider using a comparison service like Uswitch, which will check to find you the best deal for your area. Let’s look at how good Uswitch are, and whether you should trust them with your energy needs.

Uswitch Energy Review

Overall, Uswitch are as good as any other switching service out there on the market. They have a pretty good customer satisfaction record, and across the board Uswitch reviews are actually above average too.

What they can’t go is give you a whole range of prices and tariffs to choose from, as they’re only a switching service, and not a full gas and electric supplier. But, let’s look at a little more about the company to see whether they may be right for you.

Who Are

Uswitch actually aren’t a direct energy company, so they’re not the supplier and they’re not who you’ll be getting your energy from. No, instead they’re actually a comparison site, much like Go Compare and other similar sites.

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However what Uswitch are really good at is providing you with an accurate comparison, and giving quick turn around times with the best energy supplier they’ve selected. So, you simply enter your details, and Uswitch will scour the market looking for the best deal based on your location. When it finds it, you can go ahead and initiate the switch.

They state that the whole process should be done and dusted within just 17 days, which is pretty impressive considering they’re essentially a middle man. So, if you’re thinking about getting a new energy supplier but you don’t want to commit to anything specific, then Uswitch might be your best bet.

Uswitch Pricing & Structure

If you’re concerned about Uswitch adding fees onto your switch, then this is generally something that you don’t have to worry about at all. Companies like Uswitch don’t charge their customers anything, so there’s no additional fee for you.

They make their money by the companies themselves giving them a fee if they switch a customer to their energy deal. So if you switched with Uswitch over to Octopus Energy, then Octopus would give Uswitch a small fee for their trouble. Again, you don’t need to worry about any additional fees for yourself!

With a ton of other companies turning up within the energy market, it can be really difficult to know which one you should use. It’s also worth looking at permanent energy switchers like Look After My Bills, who will check the energy market every year on your behalf to see if there’s a better deal available. If there is, they’ll automatically switch you over to it.

Can I Use Uswitch with a smart meter?What is customer Service like?Can I Use Uswitch with a smart meter?

This will really depend which company that Uswitch recommend for you. They go through the whole energy supplier market, so there may be some that won’t be compatible with your smart meter (smaller energy companies are sometimes not compatible with smart meters, so you may need to give manual readings). Another problem could be if you have a sMETs1 smart meter, which typically won’t work if you change your energy supplier.

What is Uswitch’s customer Service like?

Across the board, Uswitch actually have a pretty good reputation in terms of customer service. Their advisors aren’t too pushy because they have a million more potential customers lined up after you, so you don’t need to worry about them chasing you if you fill in your details online.

Is Uswitch a good company?

Uswitch are just a comparison site, so they don’t have a reputation as energy suppliers. However, they are one of the biggest comparison sites in the UK, and they have been for a good few years now. This means that if you’re looking for a reliable way to check that you’re getting the best deal that you can, then trusting Uswitch to take care of it isn’t a bad idea.

Is it easy to switch with Uswitch?

If you’re looking to change your energy supplier quickly, then it can be tempting to do directly to them. However, with Uswitch things shouldn’t take much time, and they have an average turnaround of just 17 days. So, you could be signing up with a new supplier in a little more than two weeks, which is a small price to pay for finding the cheapest UK energy supplier.

Can I cancel my contract with Uswitch?

If you want to cancel your switch within the first two weeks, then you can just go ahead and let Uswitch know and they’ll do this for you. Once you’ve switched over, Uswitch are not going to be able to help you switch – you’d have to go to the energy supplier they provide for you to cancel your contract with them.


In conclusion, although Uswitch aren’t the direct answer to your energy bills, they can definitely play their part in finding a cheaper deal. All you need to do is give them a few details and they can help you to find a better deal, so there’s no reason now to give them a go if you’re looking for lower your overall energy costs.

Using a switching service like this one is typically a good idea for most people, as they’ll find you the electric supplier with the lowest overall costs, or if you’re interested in using renewable energy, then that could be another avenue you explore with them too.

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Jack Williams

Jack is the founder of Energy Sanity. He has been analyzing the energy industry for over a decade now. His data-driven analysis have helped thousands save money on electricity bills. Jack holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Energy Economics.